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© 2019-2024 LIFEdata S.r.l. Tutti i diritti riservati.

Data & AI to make sales easier

We help the best business leaders to accelerate revenue with Data & AI

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Beyond CRM

The world has changed. The lives of your customers, collaborators, distributors... are complicated. Everyone has little time. And they have habits you won't change. Marketing funnels don't work anymore. Nobody reads emails anymore. Ecommerce is dead. WhatsApp is the new email.

If you don't make their life easier, they will do business with someone else.

That's where EVERYDAY AI can give an edge to your company: WhatsApp+Data+AI to accelerate revenue in the Omnichannel.


for your company

Today everything happens in two dimensions:

- From digital channels to the physical world

- From physical world to digital channels.

This is the omnichannel dilemma.

We need intelligence to make new business.

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Go to Market

The omnichannel customer has a customer lifetime value 6 times that of ecommerce and 3 times that of retail.

Everything is Omnichannel, but - for companies - managing the omnichannel business is still a dilemma: less than 3% manage to create ROI from their initiatives

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LIFEDATA is the business partner for your Omnichannel go-to-market.

We are the ones who "make things happen": artisans expert in using data for business, especially when it happens between digital channels (like WhatsApp) and the physical world.

What we do: intelligent agents for CRM, martech & new Omnichannel sales solutions (ecommerce, B2B commerce, WhatsApp)

Who we serve: medium-large companies (enterprise segment, min € 50M revenue)

Industries: Retail, Services and B2B

omnichannel, omnicanalita, whatsapp marketing, whatsapp ecommerce, whatsapp rete vendita, miglior piattaforma whatsapp, whatsapp ai, whatsapp analytics, whatsapp compliance, whatsapp gdpr, whatsapp analytics, whatsapp saas, ai generativa, gen ai, whatsapp retail, whatsapp b2b

Omnichannel for distributed companies

We're Builders

in a world of Users

We are AI-native, specialized in Data & AIOps: we deal with the practical operationalization ("ground truthing") of business solutions at the convergence of user experience, automation and data management

omnichannel, omnicanalita, whatsapp marketing, whatsapp ecommerce, whatsapp rete vendita, miglior piattaforma whatsapp, whatsapp ai, whatsapp analytics, whatsapp compliance, whatsapp gdpr, whatsapp analytics, whatsapp saas, ai generativa, gen ai, whatsapp retail, whatsapp b2b

We are not an agency, nor a system integrator. We are business technologist specialized in Data & AI: we help your company to implement new processes, enabled by

- Turnkey AI-enabled solutions

- Continuous experimentation on the user journey, with measurable impact on the business and the pay-out your CFO needs

omnichannel, omnicanalita, whatsapp marketing, whatsapp ecommerce, whatsapp rete vendita, miglior piattaforma whatsapp, whatsapp ai, whatsapp analytics, whatsapp compliance, whatsapp gdpr, whatsapp analytics, whatsapp saas, ai generativa, gen ai, whatsapp retail, whatsapp b2b

We're Tech, but we speak business

Expert on your systems.

Specialized on Data & AI

whatsapp business
AWS, amazon web services esperti cloud
consulenza snowflake, esperti snowflake
salesforce, esperti salesforce, consulenza salesforce, salesforce CRM, salesforce marketing cloud, salesforce commerce cloud, salesforce digital engagement, salesforce AI, salesforce gen AI, salesforce einstein AI
dynamics, microsoft dynamics, esperti microsoft dynamics CRM
openAI, gpt, gpt4, chatgpt
esperti google AI, consulenza google AI
meta AI, facebook AI, llama

We're EU

Artificial Intelligence

LIFEDATA is part of the special groups of the European Commission on

- Artificial Intelligence

- ICT Sustainability where we contribute in defining policies on how data and artificial intelligence will be regulated in our citizens' lives

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learn more

AI for WhatsApp

LIFEDATA Halo Omnichannel Cloud is an AI SaaS platform for the orchestration on WhatsApp of business processes between CRM, ecommerce and field force, which gives your company bottom-up visibility and control of data on everything that happens in WhatsApp

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Using WhatsApp

for business

WhatsApp for business is not chat and notifications: Sending notifications and chatting in a console does not represent any value, in fact it is purely a cost center.

Doing data engineering for large companies, many asked us how to bring WhatsApp under control.

omnichannel, omnicanalita, whatsapp marketing, whatsapp ecommerce, whatsapp rete vendita, miglior piattaforma whatsapp, whatsapp ai, whatsapp analytics, whatsapp compliance, whatsapp gdpr, whatsapp analytics, whatsapp saas, ai generativa, gen ai, whatsapp retail, whatsapp b2b


behind WhatsApp

Dissatisfied with the solutions on the market, in 2020 we've decided to start building our own platform of intelligent agents to drive processes between digital channels and the physical world for

- Collaborators, sales force, stores, distributors...

- Customers/end users

omnichannel, omnicanalita, whatsapp marketing, whatsapp ecommerce, whatsapp rete vendita, miglior piattaforma whatsapp, whatsapp ai, whatsapp analytics, whatsapp compliance, whatsapp gdpr, whatsapp analytics, whatsapp saas, ai generativa, gen ai, whatsapp retail, whatsapp b2b

From chat to

an operating system

WhatsApp needs intelligence.

Halo Omnichannel Cloud is a B2B AI SaaS for distributed enterprises, powered by an orchestration engine that combines no-code experiences with AI workflows to drive immediate business impact with WhatsApp

omnichannel, omnicanalita, whatsapp marketing, whatsapp ecommerce, whatsapp rete vendita, miglior piattaforma whatsapp, whatsapp ai, whatsapp analytics, whatsapp compliance, whatsapp gdpr, whatsapp analytics, whatsapp saas, ai generativa, gen ai, whatsapp retail, whatsapp b2b

Leadership Team

Omar Fogliadini
Managing Partner

Serial start-up entrepreneur with successful track record. Mentor web 3.0 Outlier Ventures, deep tech Oxford University and UCL. Case history of "IlSole24Ore", SUPSI (University of Southern Switzerland), etc...

Diego Boschi
Operations & Customer Success
Associate Partner

Degree in Electronic Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. 20 years experience coordinating operations, delivery and customer success, with experience in multinationals such as SAP and Splio

Sara Caminati
Digital Innovation
Senior Partner

Digital entrepreneur, digital strategist, consultant and lecturer in marketing and digital communication. First National Prize for Innovation in Trade Services in 2009; Award for Best Entrepreneur of the Year at the Milan Chamber of Commerce in 2011

Gianluca Marzulli
Digital Innovation
Senior Project Manager

Graduated in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Milano. Master in Digital Transformation. 10 years experience in digital transformation, open innovation and corporate innovation

Alice Maiorana
Omnichannel Success

Master's degree in Management, Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Social Change from the University of Bergamo. 7 years experience in Sales in IT context. Develops and implements omnichannel solutions for digitalization of companies by defining, structuring and testing User Experience.

Nick Zhurenko
AI Design

Expert leader in the development of scalable design systems for Gen AI. Product designer with 10+ years of experience in UX/UI design for data-driven platforms and SaaS products.

Vladyslav Kyrieiev

Digital product leader specializing in the development of complex cross-platform systems. 8+ years of international experience in helping companies accelerate business with designOPS leverage.

Anna Ferracuti
Back Office & Finance

Office manager with over 20 years of experience in accounting management, business planning, order control and process management of small and medium-sized companies

    BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION about Omnichannel CRM, Marketing and Sales

Bring your business to WhatsApp by unifying data and insights across all touchpoints for Generative AI. Talk to an expert

omnichannel, omnicanalita, whatsapp marketing, whatsapp ecommerce, whatsapp rete vendita, miglior piattaforma whatsapp, whatsapp ai, whatsapp analytics, whatsapp compliance, whatsapp gdpr, whatsapp analytics, whatsapp saas, ai generativa, gen ai, whatsapp retail, whatsapp b2b

20-min demo, non-commercial, with a senior partner

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We'll show you use cases already implemented by other companies and what it costs not to do

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You will be able to have a no-BS overview of what can be done in your company, business KPIs with estimates of times and costs

Multi-Awarded Technology

IREN - Hot Lead Generation

Top 3 solutions for Energy & Utility omnichannel lead management

OPEN ITALY Elis - New Sales Channels

Top 10 solutions for Customer Centricity & New Sales Channels

Aeroporti di Roma - Omnichannel commerce

Top 10 startups selected by Aeroporti di Roma to revolutionize the passenger experience in the Leonardo Da Vinci Rome Airport, the biggest italian airport and busiest shopping gallery. Winner, Omnichannel commerce

Viva Technology Paris - Italian Trade Agency

VivaTech is the international event that celebrates and selects innovation leaders

Innova Retail Awards

Innova Retail Award by Kiki Lab awards innovative projects that can offer added value to the customer experience for the retail industry

OPEN ITALY Elis - Operations Improvement

Top 10 platforms in Italy for operation improvement. Open Italy Elis is the first sales accelerator for the most innovative startup. Selected by BPER Banca, American Express, Cattolica Assicurazioni and Toyota

MNLP - Accelerating Innovation

Top 10 platforms in Italy for customer experience, AI and CRM. MNLP - Accelerating Innovation is promoted by Covisian, involving BMW Italia, Banca Ifis, Fastweb, Findomestic, Enel, Verti, Generali, Leroy Merlin and other tier 1 corporates

Digital360 Awards

CRM / Marketing and Sales Solutions category. Digital information hub and WhatsApp Banking project. Digital360 Awards is an initiative organized by the Digital360 Group rewarding the best Innovation projects in Italy

Ceetrus for Innovation

Top 3 technologies according to Ceetrus and Polihub for customer and tenant experience in the retail industry to make shopping malls sustainable and smart

Axepta Store of the Future

Top 10 technology platforms according to Axepta BNP Paribas and Polihub for improving the shopping and payment experience in the retail sector, with a significant impact in the world of Acquiring and Digital Payment.

Fastweb #Open2TheFuture

Top 20 technology platforms according to Fastweb, a major telco in Italy, for improving customer experience and business operations

Officina MPS

MPS Officina on behalf of Banca MPS has identified solutions that could improve the user experience of the customer whom the institution has sponsored with two drivers: Data and Digital Ecosystems

Connext Confindustria - Fabbrica Intelligente

Connext is the most important national industrial partnership event of Confindustria, which offers companies a privileged observatory of the lands on which tomorrow's competition will be played and on which to orient the business

4YFN Barcelona

4YFN is one of the major pan-European events for start-up. Selected by the Catalunya department for Open Innovation with large enterprises

Digital Innovation Days

The largest Italian event dedicated to Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing and Innovation, formerly Mashable

Start & Pulse - Agos 2019

Agos Credit Agricole’s innovation program dedicated to the best customer experience customization solutions in financial services

B Heroes Roadshow 2020

B Heroes is one of the best known open innovation programs linked to the docu-series broadcast on SKY

Premio AWS Activate

Awarded by Amazon Web Services for the technology solution at the Web Marketing Forum 2019

Viva Technology Paris - TECH4HEALTH BY SANOFI

Selected by Sanofi Global among the knowledge augmentation voice solutions for Viva Technology, probably the largest European event on technology and innovation

AIWorkLab 2.0 LVenture Rome

AI WorkLab 2.0 is the artificial intelligence start-up incubation program with American Express, Cerved, growITup, Invitalia, Sanofi, Sara Assicurazioni. LVenture Group S.p.A., a public listed company Borsa Italiana, which manages LUISS ENLABS "The Startup Factory", born from a joint venture with the LUISS University.

Digital Transformation World Nice

Selected for AI track. Digital Transformation World is one of the main global events dedicated to technological innovation for over 30 years

4YFN Barcelona

Selected by Capita among the disruptive solutions for customer experience management, customer service and retail at 4YFN-MWC19

F10 Zurich

The main Swiss innovation program on Fintech with Swiss stock exchange, Julius Baer, ​​Baloise, Generali, Zürcher Kantonalbank, PWC, Raiffeisen, ERI Bancaire, Eny Finance.

Wayra UK - Blockchain & AI London

Selection of the best AI & Blockchain companies in Europe with the support of the University of Edinburgh, which houses the largest computer and computational science center in Europe, Telefonica and Cisco

Startupbootcamp Fintech Amsterdam - Top 23  Fintech

Top 23 fintech. Startupbootcamp FinTech Amsterdam is one of the most famous Fintech accelerators in Europe, supported by ING, Rabobank, Achmea, Vivat, PGGM.

Plug & Play Health & Wellness Silicon Valley

Plug & Play Tech Center Silicon Valley is probably the most famous innovation and start-up ecosystem in the world. He launched PayPal and Dropbox among others

Bayer G4A Grant for Apps Milan

Bayer G4A is Bayer's global innovation program for self-care solutions and user experience customization

Startupbootcamp Digital Health Berlin - Top 23  Platform

Top 23 out of over 4,000 companies. Startup boot-camp Berlin is one of the most reputed acceleration programs in Europe.

CogX Artificial Intelligence Awards London

CogX Awards celebrates the best-of-the-best in AI and emerging technologies

Cube Tech Berlin - Digital/Physical & Automation/AI

Selected for both Digital / Physical and AI & Automation tracks. CUBE Ecosystem is Berlin's most important B2B innovation network

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Reach out on WhatsApp

Apri WhatsApp
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